Kalender Vordruck

This is a printable blank monthly calendar that you can use for your specific purposes which usually for education purposes. With this blank calendar, you can explain to your students or children about how calendars work. You can teach them about number of days for particular month or the name of days within one week. You can use it also as an exam worksheet where your students have to fill the empty boxes with correct dates for particular month based on questions that you have given. If you need a monthly calendar that already filled with correct dates, you can download it from my previous post.

  Kalender Vordruck (Excel 2007/2010) (28.8 KiB, 4,500 hits)

  Kalender Vordruck (Excel 97/2003) (63.5 KiB, 3,210 hits)

ÜBERPRÜFEN ⟫  Kalendar 2015 Vorlage